Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Summer time toys pedal cars and trikes

Trikes and Pedal Cars 

2 - G-010B Comet Super Sport
Classic Chevy 55

32 - AF-014 Junior Sky King Trike
Junior Skyking trike

Now the sun is shining in England, summer has made a late entrance giving the children the opportunity to play outside. Last week I spoke about Trikes being  very good presents and toys for toddlers. . I'd like to add the Pedal Car as another perfect toy for the outdoors and healthy play. So now, there are two possibilities: not only are the kids able to whizz around on their trikes but to pedal away on their pedal cars. 
It is difficult to choose between the two toys, both offer such fantastic possibilities. The trike gives freedom and mobility to the younger child who might not be able to drive the pedal car so successfully. The pedal car gives scope to imaginative and creative play as well as giving the child healthy exercise. It is great that there is choice and the child has the benefit of  very well constructed toys, all reaching the European Standard for safety. The prices are competitive and there is free delivery within the UK. Now it is up to you, the parent , grandparent, aunt, uncle, god parent, whatever your relationship, to go to the website and choose a pedal car or trike for your child.

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