Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Licensed Thomas the Tank Engine Pedal Train

Thomas the Tank Engine Pedal Train

 This is the toy to make any little girl or boy speechless with wonder. To receive such a toy would make the day, month and year memorable for the rest of that child's life, they would say "That was the year I got my Thomas the Tank Engine" or "it was my 4th birthday that I got my Thomas!"
It is such a sturdy toy, constructed on a box steel chassis, it has a padded seat and back. The body work is steel, with powder coat paintwork. There are adjustable pedals with a working steering wheel. There are mounted dials on the dashboard, as well as steel wheels covered in durable rubber tyres. This is a quality toy of premier class!
Any child who has had the stories by the Rev. W. Awdry read to them, will already love the cheeky blue engine Thomas and they can pretend in their play to be the other engines like James the Red Engine and Percy the Small Engine, as well as play the part of the Fat Controller!
These little books with their simple stories of engines and their adventures have been around since 1946, so many generations have enjoyed the tales and exploits. I know my husband and I had them read to us when we were children, we in turn have read them to our children and are reading them now to the grandchildren. So I hope you will give  your children the opportunity to really experience the stories with their own real Thomas the Tank Engine pedal toy.
Go the web site and see where you can purchase it from classic kids pedal cars

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