Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The Road Hog Trike

Be a road hog on The Cool Road Hog Trike

I write these blogs as Granny Smith because I am a Granny and my name is Smith! I have four grandchildren and so I have big choices to make at Christmas and birthdays. I want to make sure I am giving the present which will most suit the personality of my lovelies! I went into this classic toy market because I felt that most children would absolutely adore such a present as a pedal car or tricycle. 
Today's recommendation is for the Road Hog Trike! It is a beautiful and wonderful 1936 replica, identical in every way to the Sky King of old. It is 26" high with black powder, lead free paint with Chrome insignia and spokes. It has solid rubber tires and an adjustable leather spring seat with chrome studs and a fringed back pouch. It has rubber handles with leather tassels. It is a safe (Toy safety approved) and strong tricycle made out of steel. It will suit a 3 to 6 year old. It is exactly the tricycle which I can remember speeding along the road on and being the envy of my friends!
If you read this and agree that these toys are great or that you are a grandmother or grandfather and find choosing the right toy for you grandchild difficult. Please comment and I'll have some feedback on my blog!
Go to the website www.classickidspedalcars.com 
and see what other toys are in the selection.

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