Monday, 16 July 2012

Have fun on a trike

Having fun on a trike is the best outdoor fun you can get!
31 - AF-013 Sky King Trike

The Skyking Trikes are amazingly good value- not only are you getting a fantastically good pedal trike, which will last, with care, for generations, but also it is a made of quality materials which give you this superior retro looking tricycle.
The individual design, which is a replica of the 1936 original Sky King trike has adjustable spring seats, a working light, reflectors, solid rubber tyres as well as rubber handle grips.
In a choice of colours this is an amazing pedal toy. Why not look them up on our website

Thursday, 5 July 2012

The Sun is shining get outside on your Pedal Car

Pedal Cars Are Great

7 - AF 021  The Pink Princess

Pedal cars are the ideal toy for an adventurous child who loves being outside. It's a grand way to introduce your child to the outdoors. To enjoy the freedom of their own transport and the wonder and joy of self propelled movement.
Pedal cars are copies of  vintage or retro cars for children between the ages of 3 to 7 years to ride and pedal around. These pedal cars are made of steel and are robust.They are built to withstand the knocks and bangs of play. Painted in a strong lead free powder paint they do not chip easily and the finish is glossy and excitingly realistic.The pedal car is a really adult toy for a child because it gives them the feeling of being like the adults in their lives; driving like Dad round the corners and parking near the shops like Mum, and speeding along like the dare devil Uncle!! 
Take a look at the website and make your choice

Friday, 22 June 2012

A summer of sport; Olympics and football, and Pedal Planes.

Pedal planes

37 - AF-001 Fantasy Flyer Pedal Plane

It must be one of the most difficult summers we have ever had in the UK! Rain, strong winds and little sun to lift the spirits. So it is with great hope that we will face the Olympic challenge- for some warmth and sunshine to lift our spirits and maybe even a Gold Medal or two to raise our National pride!
Our children have had to keep indoors in the poor weather so all their outdoor toys are  under cover being protected against the wind and rain.
It would be great if after all the tribulations of the weather they were presented with a Pedal Plane like the Fantasy Flyer. Then they could be inside and outside pretending to loop the loop and be one the fantastic men in their flying machines. Don't let the children be stuck in front of a computer, TV or Playstation, get them outside pedaling-in one of the wonderful pedal toys from The Fantasy Flyer is a great example of these pedal toys. It is made of high guage steel, with lead free powder paint. It is robust and can withstand the rough usage of a young child between the ages of 3 and 7.
Why not look up all the models on

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Pedaling through the summer on kids pedal toys!

2 - G-010B Comet Super Sport

What are your children missing out on?
 Have they got a Nintendo DX.  Have they got a portable DVD player? Have they got the latest iPad touch with games on?
 If they have got all these they are missing out BIG time on playing around in a pedal car or pedal plane or trike! 
Wow! They will not even realise what they have been missing until the gap is filled and they can go outside and actively pedal around the yard and park.
The physical benefits of pedaling are manifold; the children are actively stretching and flexing their leg muscles, so aiding healthy growth. Their brains have to be engaged to steer the vehicle and they have to be aware of safety in the speed they pedal, otherwise they might knock others down or bump into obstacles.
It's also a very healthy family activity, because the little ones cannot go and pedal on their own in a park, it would be dangerous for them to go unattended so by involving older members of the family it can be a great family outing!
With a trike they can also have a terrific time, the pedaling action is slightly different but it is just as much fun.
A tractor with a trailer can be great in a bigger garden, or even on a small estate, the child can be an active helper putting straw out for the animals and transporting things on the trailer to help out the grown ups.
All in all a pedal toy is a wonderful action toy for any child from the age of 3 to 7 and  gives them that all important fresh air activity which is essential for healthy children.
Why not go and look at the range of pedal toys available on our website. Don't let you kids miss out!!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Summer time toys pedal cars and trikes

Trikes and Pedal Cars 

2 - G-010B Comet Super Sport
Classic Chevy 55

32 - AF-014 Junior Sky King Trike
Junior Skyking trike

Now the sun is shining in England, summer has made a late entrance giving the children the opportunity to play outside. Last week I spoke about Trikes being  very good presents and toys for toddlers. . I'd like to add the Pedal Car as another perfect toy for the outdoors and healthy play. So now, there are two possibilities: not only are the kids able to whizz around on their trikes but to pedal away on their pedal cars. 
It is difficult to choose between the two toys, both offer such fantastic possibilities. The trike gives freedom and mobility to the younger child who might not be able to drive the pedal car so successfully. The pedal car gives scope to imaginative and creative play as well as giving the child healthy exercise. It is great that there is choice and the child has the benefit of  very well constructed toys, all reaching the European Standard for safety. The prices are competitive and there is free delivery within the UK. Now it is up to you, the parent , grandparent, aunt, uncle, god parent, whatever your relationship, to go to the website and choose a pedal car or trike for your child.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Trikes- the ultimate pedal toy

Trikes and tricycles

28 - AF-010 Road Hog Trike
Black Road Hog

33 - AF-015 Junior Sky Princess Trike
Junior Sky Princess Trike

These trikes are amazing. They are made of steel, with strong solid tyres. They have the added features of strong mud guards over the back wheels and a fully adjustable seat which makes it possible for a  child between the ages of 3 and 6 to ride the trike. They have working LED lights and reflectors. They have rubber handle grips and the Road Hog has leather tassels.
Every child dreams of having a pedal ride on toy and these trikes are the answer to their dreams. These beautiful 1936 replicas are a collectible for the years to come.
I can still remember the hours of pleasure I had riding my trike up and down the road, give your children the same joy and happiness by buying them a Trike from our website

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Pedal Cars are the Perfect Present!

Are you still dithering about what to give your grandchildren or your own children?

Look no further- why not look into buying a PEDAL CAR or PEDAL PLANE for your loved ones!

These are toys which are built to LAST. They are made of steel to be strong and robust. 

Designed to look like the vintage classics of the past, these wonderful replicas are an immediate hit with any little boy or girl between the ages of 2 and 7.

Model T Roadster
Pedal Planes
Red Baron Pedal Plane

Within all the photographic memorabilia for the Queen's 60th Jubilee, there was lovely photo of Prince Charles in a replica pedal car.
 Ayrton Senna was photographed driving a pedal car when he was a child, showing us his early promise! 
Give your little loved ones the chance to be celebrity in their house with a pedal car or pedal plane. Go to and check out all the different types of pedal toys there are. There must be one there to suit you!!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A Pedal Car for a Princess


Want to make your little girl the happiest in the world?  Want her to love you forever as the best grandparent or parent in the universe?

Look no further then, you have found the right site. You have discovered the web site of joy for selling  kids pedal cars!

The Pink Princess the one to buy!
It is beautifully finished in striking powder coated metallic pink. It is an all steel construction to ensure longer life.
It has a chrome grill and windshield, as well as working steering wheel and chrome headlights. Flare wheel arches and a spare wheel mounted on the back. Solid duralast tyres,with sealed bearing mechanism. There are side runners and mudguards. Also a mock folding retractable roof at the back. It will suit a 2 to 5 year old as it has three position adjustable pedal assembly.

What more could any little girl want?

Look upon the web site and you will see the Pink Princess and you will find it hard to resist!