Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Fantastic Formula 1 Electric Car

 The Formula 1 12V Electric Car

This is the most sought after toy for both boys and girls, an electric car! Wow- what a joy to be able to scoot along in a 12volt Formula 1 style cool car! It will give you two speeds, the fastest up to 5km. It has working front, rear and spoiler lights with a musical option. With forward-reverse gears it is very manoeuvrable, as well as a 3 speed control panel.It has a working radio installed in the arm rest! It also has wing mirrors for an even more authentic feel.
It is made of very strong flexible polyethylene which has been injected with red paint so if the body is scratched it can be polished out.
Some assembly is required on receipt and it comes with it's own socket set for budding engineers!
The approximate running time for the Formla 1 12Volt car is 60 minutes, with the full recharge taking about 4 hours.
So don't hesitate-there's still time to buy before Christmas!
Go to classic kids pedal cars  and check the Formula 112V Red Electric Car

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