Friday, 22 June 2012

A summer of sport; Olympics and football, and Pedal Planes.

Pedal planes

37 - AF-001 Fantasy Flyer Pedal Plane

It must be one of the most difficult summers we have ever had in the UK! Rain, strong winds and little sun to lift the spirits. So it is with great hope that we will face the Olympic challenge- for some warmth and sunshine to lift our spirits and maybe even a Gold Medal or two to raise our National pride!
Our children have had to keep indoors in the poor weather so all their outdoor toys are  under cover being protected against the wind and rain.
It would be great if after all the tribulations of the weather they were presented with a Pedal Plane like the Fantasy Flyer. Then they could be inside and outside pretending to loop the loop and be one the fantastic men in their flying machines. Don't let the children be stuck in front of a computer, TV or Playstation, get them outside pedaling-in one of the wonderful pedal toys from The Fantasy Flyer is a great example of these pedal toys. It is made of high guage steel, with lead free powder paint. It is robust and can withstand the rough usage of a young child between the ages of 3 and 7.
Why not look up all the models on

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Pedaling through the summer on kids pedal toys!

2 - G-010B Comet Super Sport

What are your children missing out on?
 Have they got a Nintendo DX.  Have they got a portable DVD player? Have they got the latest iPad touch with games on?
 If they have got all these they are missing out BIG time on playing around in a pedal car or pedal plane or trike! 
Wow! They will not even realise what they have been missing until the gap is filled and they can go outside and actively pedal around the yard and park.
The physical benefits of pedaling are manifold; the children are actively stretching and flexing their leg muscles, so aiding healthy growth. Their brains have to be engaged to steer the vehicle and they have to be aware of safety in the speed they pedal, otherwise they might knock others down or bump into obstacles.
It's also a very healthy family activity, because the little ones cannot go and pedal on their own in a park, it would be dangerous for them to go unattended so by involving older members of the family it can be a great family outing!
With a trike they can also have a terrific time, the pedaling action is slightly different but it is just as much fun.
A tractor with a trailer can be great in a bigger garden, or even on a small estate, the child can be an active helper putting straw out for the animals and transporting things on the trailer to help out the grown ups.
All in all a pedal toy is a wonderful action toy for any child from the age of 3 to 7 and  gives them that all important fresh air activity which is essential for healthy children.
Why not go and look at the range of pedal toys available on our website. Don't let you kids miss out!!!